When Too Flexible Becomes a Problem

A Retrofit System to Convert Your Flexible Stalls To Be Hybrid

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You Chose Cow Comfort, But Now Have Regrets

In the pursuit of cow comfort, the industry has developed super flexible stalls.  Yes, cow comfort was introduced – but at what cost?  Stall systems that don’t withstand the frequent repetitive flex applied.  Cows that lie in comfort, only to lie on stall beds occupying other spaces or making the stalls dirty.  When your somatic cell count rises, you know the cost of cow comfort came at too high of a price.

Not Too Late, Cow Comfort Made Right Again

We never intended to develop a retrofit system.  But repeatedly we have seen too many dairy farms invest into flexible stalls with regret.  We’d love to sell you a complete new stall system – the hybrid GreyStall.  However, it doesn’t need to be that hard.

You can convert out several components and see a dramatic improvement – transforming your existing flexible stall to be hybrid.  A stall that is more resilient and cows that get just the flexibility they require, but retains enough resistance to ensure they lie correctly.

Just 3 Easy Steps
For True Cow Comfort to be Attained


Contact Us

Call us and discuss your stalls.  Our team is ready to assist.


Develop Retrofit Kit

We help you source the right parts to transform your stalls.


Convert Stalls

Retrofit to hybrid and recoup your investment.

Reinforcement where you need it.


Install a Real End Loop on Your Dividers.

Some flexible stalls claim to offer cow welfare, but have no loop.  Others provide an easy fix and offer a rubber loop that behaves like a wet noodle.

Convert your flexible stall system with a hybrid stall loop we developed.  A metal loop will provide some immediate benefits.

  1. Connecting the top rail to the bottom rail means the two rails become united in providing resistance. Less flexible, but not too rigid.
  2. Closing the divider deters cows from flipping around and being backwards in the stalls.
  3. Connected together they prevent divider rail sag and assist in keeping the rails uniform in the barn.

Make your top rail and bottom rail a true team in the divider and see the benefits.

Do Away with the Floating Neck Rail.

It might be patented – sounds cool but it doesn’t work.  A neck rail that allows cows to disrespect the stall and lie incorrect only comes with regrets.

Install a fixed neck rail bracket and watch the improved performance.

  1. The Stall Dividers have more rigidity and retain just enough flex.
  2. The neck rail won’t injure the cow, but is firm enough to be respected.

Your cows will be lying straight again!

Beef Up the Divider Brackets.

Here is a secret.  The point of maximum stress is on the bottom divider bracket.

Swap out the bottom bracket with our proprietory designed bracket and make the divider truly hybrid.

  1. No more broken brackets from the stress of pressure on the divider asserted by the cows.
  2. By adding some solid metal, the divider comes firm – not too flexible and not too rigid. Just right.

Watch your cows respect the divider again, but still have no fear of injury.  Hybrid – just right!

“Cows are laying a lot straighter than before!”

We all make mistakes.
That doesn’t mean we need to live with them!

Nor should your cows.  You were right to introduce flexibility to the stall.  Your cows thank you for that.  But sometimes when we spoil them too much!  We all need good disciplines.  A simple retrofit option is an easy fix to convert your stalls into a hybrid stall system.  Just enough flexibility, retaining some rigidity. 

Just right!