Hybrid Dairy Stalls Redefining Cow Comfort

The comfort of flexible stabling with the strength of steel

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Les stalles laitières hybrides favorisent le repos et la rumination

Lying Times

Unintimidating stalls promote rest and rumination.

Les stalles laitières hybrides favorisent une posture de pâturage naturelle en augmentant la consommation d'aliments

Feed Intake

Natural grazing posture increases feed intake.

Des stalles laitières confortables offrent un temps de couchage supplémentaire, augmentant ainsi la production de lait

Milk Production

Extra lying time and ease of feeding means more milk from your cows.

Reinforcement where you need it

Available as double or single stalls

Double hybrid dairy stalls provide reinforcement where you need it

Single hybrid dairy stalls provide reinforcement where you need it

Just like on Pasture.

Cows Lying on Pasture

We may not be able to bring the pasture in the barn, but we certainly can work hard to design the barn that allows for natural movement – for the cows’ ultimate well-being.

A good stall design doesn’t incite fear limiting lying time but allows the cow to settle in with ease and without injury.  It provides her the environment to naturally lunge forward to rise to her feet and move in or out with freedom.

A GREYstall flexible free stall through materials and assembly provides flexibility for her comfort.  But the real art is providing the adequate rigidity to ensure that while she moves about freely, she does not compromise her positioning.

The perfect balance of comfort and durability

Which bed did Goldilocks choose? The one that was JUST RIGHT

Finally cow comfort without cows backwards in stalls.

Scale 2

Les stalles traditionnelles en acier peuvent blesser les vaches laitières

Injuries shorten average lifespan.

Traditional steel stalls are unforgiving, causing injuries and fear, reducing lying time.  This ultimately impacts cow longevity.


GREYstall Hybrid stalls are just right.

Flexible without compromise! It features a flexible neck rail, but definitely not floating.  The dividers, though flexible, remain quite rigid and certainly are not composed of rubber.

D'autres stalles offrent trop de flexibilité, ce qui peut compromettre la position des vaches

Some stall designs are just backwards.

Too much flexibility compromises a cow’s position.  This causes teat damage, dirty udders and high somatic cell count.

Flexible hybrid dairy stalls keep cows comfortable and productive

Comfortable cows are productive cows.

Lying time of cows in most free stall barns

The typical lying time of cows
in most free stall barns.

Hybrid dairy stalls enable the optimal time of 14 hours of comfortable laying time

The optimal time cows will
lie down in comfortable stalls.

Studies show that renovating stalls to improve dairy cow comfort improves milk yield, reduces cull rate, lowers somatic cell count, and improves the lameness status of the herd.

University of Wisconsin research shows comfortable dairy cows have:

  • Great milk yield: 3 – 14 pounds per cow per day
  • Lower turnover rates: 6% to 13% decrease
  • Lower somatic cell count: 37,000 to 102,000 decrease
  • Less lameness: 15% to 20% reduction

Rest is important

Cows need to lie down. It allows her hooves to dry off and gives her time to rest and ruminate. While resting comfortably, blood circulation to the udder increases and leads to increased milk production.

30% increase of blood circulation to the udder when a dairy cow is lying down

The increase of blood circulation to the udder, when a cow is lying down.  This improves udder function and milk production.

Five minutes is the maximum time a dairy cow should take to get settled into the stall

The maximum time upon initially stepping up on the cow bed, until she should be settled into the stall.

Two additional hours of lying time can produce an additional two litres of milk

(or 5 pounds)
Additional milk production daily from 2 additional hours of lying time.

379% more steel for increased stability and durability

Le boîtier de pédalier de GREYstall contient plus d'acier que les autres marques

Another Brand’s bottom bracket

Our experience shows it could be better.

GREYstall's bottom bracket

GREYstall’s bottom bracket

More steel means better positioning and no backwards cows.

ROI Calculator

Calculez votre retour sur investissement après avoir acheté GREYstall Free StallsUnsure about investing in GREYstall?  Our ROI calculator will help you estimate how many days it will take to recoup the cost of purchasing GREYstall Free Stalls.

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GreySTALL Grey Piping with Spot of Colour


Flexible stabling doesn’t need to be a statement. 

There was a time when you considered introducing a flexible stall to your barn, your only option was to make a profound colour statement.  Now you can choose the grey piping offered by GREYstall and simply add a #SpotOfColour by choosing the cap preference that suits your operation – blue, red, or green.  No compromise even on colour!